Posts Tagged "facial"

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought, “my skin looks great”? If you’re like most women, the signs of aging are unmistakable. The fine lines, uneven texture, sun damage, and skin laxity are just some of the things women deal with on a daily basis. Face powders and foundation can only cover up so much, but it doesn’t correct the problem areas and slow down the aging process. If you’re serious about wanting your skin to be healthier and look better, getting facials on a monthly basis and using good quality products are a must!

The Oxygen and Vitamin C treatment is a dynamic combination of traditional botanicals and scientifically advanced ingredients that moisturizes, rejuvenates, and lightens the damaged areas of your skin. This facial treatment starts off with deep cleansing, followed by a lactic acid or Jessner peel. Some people feel a slight stinging at this point, but nothing too uncomfortable. A Vitamin C cool rubberized masque is applied on top of the peel to brighten the skin. The final step is the application of a super active oxygen mask, which calms, brightens, and infuses the skin with a burst of oxygen. One treatment gives you a healthy, glowing result! A series of 4 or more treatments will give you the ultimate, best results.


  • Lightens and evens skin tone while inhibiting melanin production
  • Exfoliates damaged cells, encourages cell division and stimulates healthy cell growth
  • Restores and protects skin against attack from free radicals
  • Increases collagen and elastin synthesis
  • Provides anti-aging properties and rejuvenates the skin
  • Increases skin’s overall consumption, moisture and volume
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