
What is Your Energy Saying?

Have you ever felt like your energy was a bit off? Maybe you wake up in the morning, spill your coffee, catch every red light on the way to work, get yelled at by a customer…things are just not going as planned and it’s only 10am. You might feel a bit under the weather, but don’t have any symptoms. We’ve all felt like that from time to time. If only there was a way to balance out your energy. Well maybe there is! A Reiki treatment might be the perfect answer.

What is a Reiki Energy Treatment?

  • A Reiki session is an energy treatment.
  • A Reiki treatment helps balance the Chakra centers.
  • The session can be done with the practitioners hands on or hands above the body.
  • There is no undressing with a Reiki session.
  • Reiki energy is channeled to assist and enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

The Chakras

There are 7 major Chakras (energy centers) on the body. Each one resonates to a different frequency and color, and corresponds to different emotional and physical aspects.

  • 1st Chakra is the Root Chakra. It vibrates to the color red and it is associated with grounding and stability. This can be stability at work, at home or in the body (think bones). When this chakra is balanced there is order in your life. If it’s out of balance you might be fatigued or feel insecure.
  • 2nd Chakra is the Sacral Chakra. It vibrates to the color orange and is associated with finances, sexuality and creativity. The creativity flows freely when this chakra is balanced. Out of balance you might have anxiety, lower back pain or urinary problems.
  • 3rd Chakra is the Solar Plexus. It vibrates to the color yellow and is connected to your power center. In balance and you have confidence and determination. Out of balance and you might have low self esteem or digestive issues.
  • 4th Chakra is the Heart Chakra. It vibrates to the color green and is the area where you give and receive love, forgiveness, compassion and acceptance. Out of balance you might feel jealous, angry or might have fear.
  • 5th Chakra is the Throat Chakra. It vibrates to the color blue and is the communication chakra. When this chakra is balanced, verbal and non verbal communication come easy. When it is out of balance you might feel powerless to speak out.
  • 6th Chakra is the 3rd Eye Chakra. This chakra resonates to the color indigo and is the area for intellect, spirituality, psychic ability and vision. When it is out of balance you might experience headaches, nightmares or have poor memory.
  • 7th Chakra is the Crown Chakra. It vibrates to the color violet. This chakra is our connection to the universe. Out of balance might have you feeling disconnected, hopeless or depressed.

The Treatment:

You lay on a comfortable massage table, face up with your eyes closed. Soft, relaxing music is playing to help facilitate a relaxed environment. The practitioner’s hands are placed on different chakra (energy centers) points on the body. The energy is guided to where it is needed. There might be more time spent on one chakra area versus another, depending on what the body needs. Crystals are sometimes used to enhance the treatment. There might also sound therapy added. You might have an emotional release; such as crying or laughter. This can happen during the treatment or sometimes after. This is normal.

After the session:

Since each Reiki session is unique to the person, every one has their own unique reaction to a treatment, depending on where more energy was needed or needed to be taken away. For instance, if your throat chakra was blocked (never closed, only impeded) before the treatment, it might now be open and communication will flow freely. Just like a massage, drinking water after the service is recommended. Also like a massage, you might feel very tired and have vivid dreams. For most people, the session is very relaxing.

So the next time you’re feeling a step behind, try getting your energy balanced with a Reiki treatment! If you’re looking for a practitioner, Margo Hecht is accepting new clients. Her number is (702) 845-1680 and you can also visit her website at

The information relayed in this blog should not be construed as medical advice. If you have any concerns please consult your medical practitioner.

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