Posts Tagged "prp"

A month ago I looked in the mirror and saw some find lines and wrinkles that weren’t there before. Before what you might ask? Before I turned 50, before I realized I spent my youth sunbathing without sunscreen, before I went through “the change”, before I looked in a magnified mirror. So many befores. With my youngest son’s upcoming wedding I decided I wanted to try and erase some of these befores. After researching different techniques I decided to try a series of Micro-Needling with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). I read about so many wonderful benefits to using your own plasma in a skin or hair treatment that I was intrigued. Some of the benefits are:


  •  Your own stem cells are mobilized
  • Allergies are eliminated because you use your own blood
  • Rejuvenating skin effects are: improvements in skin texture and fine lines and wrinkles, increased volume because of the increase in collagen and elastin, and improving the appearance of scars.
  • Minimal down time
  • No surgery or anesthesia


The treatment started by Karen Stevens, APRN, numbing my face with a topical numbing cream. Besides my lips feeling funny, the numbing felt okay (although I did dribble a bit when I drank from a cup later on that day). Side note- I wanted to take an Aleve prior to the treatment to help alleviate any discomfort, but I found out it was one of the medicines to avoid; so it’s very important to follow the pre and post treatment instructions. Karen then drew a tube of blood and put it in a centrifuge to separate the platelet rich plasma from the red blood cells and the platelet poor plasma. Next my face was micro-needled using a special micro-needling tool and the PRP was concurrently used on my skin. Some of the bony areas like the forehead and nose were a little sensitive. The rest of the face I could feel the needles, but it was all tolerable.

Immediately after the treatment my face was red like I was sunburned. It also felt warm to the touch. I left it alone for a few hours and then applied cool water to it. The water caused quite a sting. The stinging sensation subsided quickly, though. Before bed I washed my face with a gentle cleanser and applied a serum. The next day my skin looked suntanned. The day after it started peeling. I’ve had an herbal peel before and the peeling with the herbal peel was similar to the micro-needling, except maybe a bit more peeling with the micro needling. My skin continued to peel for about a week. I used a microderm creme to slough away some of the dead skin and my favorite moisturizer to keep my skin moist. My daily skin care routine helped calm my skin and helped it heal. An SPF was also recommended but I didn’t use it since I had the first service done the week it was overcast and I also work indoors.

The second treatment was exactly like the first: numbing, micro needling, PRP, and lots of peeling. I did the same post care regiment; except I did use sunblock this time around.


I’ve completed two out of the three treatments. What I see so far is smoother, firmer skin. Some of the fine lines seem to have diminished. I have an age spot on my jaw line that also appears lighter. My makeup goes on smoother and my skin has a glow to it. But how do I really know my skin looks better? My husband asked what I’m doing differently because I look different, younger. This is a BIG deal since it comes from the same person who didn’t notice I colored my hair peacock blue!

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