Hello my fabulous readers!
I wanted to write a post all about makeup tips and maybe a couple tricks! I hope you enjoy!
Tip #1: Knowing your skin type.
We all have different skin. Normal, oily, dry, normal-dry, normal-oily, combo skin etc. Step one will always be knowing your skin type. This determines what moisturizer you use, what primer you use and of course what foundation you apply! No one knows your skin better than yourself, so you tell me! What type of skin do you have? Once you’ve decided then you can go forward and purchase the products best for your skin! At Elements Salon and Wellness Spa we offer skin products for ALL skin types! So don’t forget to check that out!
Tip #2: Eyes=Prize.
The best part of makeup (in my professional opinion) is the EYES! Lets make your eyes pop! Your eyes should be the main focus of your face! How to make your eyes pop you may ask?! Wear the right colors of eye shadow! This is EASY! Depending on your eye color these shadows are really going to make your eyes POP!
Blue: BROWNS, purples, greens, BLACKS
Green: PURPLES, browns
Brown: Bronzy browns, COPPERS
Hazel: Creams, GOLDS, greens
Tip #3: Clear skin.
Having clear skin is so beneficial and important! Not just important for wearing makeup. Luckily makeup covers up most blemishes but we all want that baby bottom soft skin! Right?! How can you accomplish this? MONTHLY facials, (our outstanding Aestheticians can tell you what facial is best for your skin type! Just give us a call or stop by!) using the correct skin products DAILY,(our Aestheticians will also recommend the best skin products from our salon to you that will benefit your skin the most!) drinking lots of water, eating the right foods,(see my previous blog post for foods that benefit your skin to get a great list of foods!) etc.
Tip #4: Comfortable.
You may think what does being comfortable have to do with makeup?! EVERYTHING. Being comfortable with the amount you’re wearing. If you aren’t, you won’t feel like your self and we don’t want that! Be your beautiful self! Wear what you want and don’t wear what you’re not comfortable with. Put loads on or just brighten up your face a bit! Makeup is not required it’s a choice!
Tip #5: The right shades.
My final tip for you guys is simple. Wearing the right shades for you face! Cool, warm and neutral toned shades. This depends on your skin type! You DON’T have to follow this tip! Wear what YOU want! My skin tone and eye color pop the best with warm toned shades but sometimes I feel like wearing cool toned shades! But if you really want to make features pop this is a good one!
Warm skinned:
People with warm skin tones look best in you guessed it!! Warm colors. Duh! Lol! You can reach for oranges, orange-reds, peachy pinks, bronze, browns, and golds. Try out a peach or orange blush! Lips, it’s best to go with orange reds instead of berry-toned reds to really pop!
Cool skinned:
If your skin is light or dark, you will benefit with cool tones! Like wearing cool pinks, purples, reds, blues, greens, and grays. Instead of reaching for a peachy pink blush, grab a more vibrant pink. Cherry reds and fuchsia would look fabulous on your lips! Gray and deep purple eye shadows make cool eyes pop!
Neutral Skinned:
If you’re neutral skinned you’re the LUCKY ONES! You’re a chameleon! You can wear whatever colors and shades you want! Everything looks flattering on you!
REMEMBER: Wear what feels best to YOU makeup is fun! These are tips not rules!